What we've been learning 

We have been learning about several important concepts this year, that separately stand on their own merit. It is only when you put them together that the beauty of their interconnectedness reveals a  masterful jigsaw puzzle.

The first unit was about communities. Not just what components make up rural, urban and suburban communities, but what makes a community have that something special that draws us in. We studied the features, services and sensory connections to each community type and paid attention to what we liked most. We also learned about the values that are held in communities- that organizations, businesses and recreational facilities are present because people who live there value what they offer. Because life is full of change we also learned that communities are dynamic and are constantly evolving to reflect the needs and values of the community.

The next conceptual unit was about weather and how it impacts the ways that people live - the choices they make from the type of clothes they wear, the work they do and the activities they participate in. We use tools to measure and predict the weather, even though it can sometimes be very unpredictable - especially extreme weather conditions. Life and lifestyle are greatly impacted by weather.

The following unit was about what it means to be a leader. Here we investigated what it means to be a leader. We noticed that leaders who make a positive difference may or may not be famous, but they always try to make change for the better. They have integrity. Leaders listen to the people whom they are leading. They notice what is needed and do what they can to support people through encouraging words and actions. Leaders dream big- they have a vision. Leaders have courage. They keep a problem-solving mindset and do not get discouraged if things don't work out the way they originally planned. Leaders have determination.

As you read through the following pages we hope that you will see how what we have been learning has inspired our vision for this heartfelt project!